biggest banks poured over
over 7 years into the fossil fuel industry, driving climate chaos & causing deadly local community impacts.
Global Impact: Stories from the Frontlines
The Dirty Dozen
The Worst Banks Since the Paris Agreement
Fossil Fuel Financing
From The World’s 60 Biggest Banks
Financing the Biggest Expanders
Financing For the Top 20 Upstream Oil and Gas Expanders
The graph highlights 20 of the companies with biggest short-term expansion plans and the financing they received by 10 key banks. * Reported at the parent company level.
Financing By Year & Sector
Use the drop-down menu to explore the patterns in bank financing for fossil fuels over time and by sector. Click on any colored label on the x-axis to show or hide that data.
Total Fossil Fuel Financing
Financing across all sectors.
Top 100 companies expanding fossil fuels. See methodology document download for full scope and source.
Tar Sands Oil
Scope: Top 27 companies by tar sands production in 2021 plus short-term expansion, and the six companies with existing or proposed pipelines to carry tar sands oil out of Alberta in the past seven years as reported in the Global Oil & Gas Exit List and Oil Sands Magazine.
Arctic Oil and Gas
Scope: Top 30 companies by Arctic oil and gas production in 2020 plus short-term expansion as reported in the Global Oil & Gas Exit List.
Amazon Oil and Gas
Scope: Top 21 companies with direct involvement in oil & gas extraction in the Amazon region as of 2022 as identified by Stand Research Group.
Offshore Oil and Gas
Scope: Top 30 companies by offshore oil and gas production in 2020 plus short-term expansion as reported by Rystad Energy AS provided by Oil Change International.
Fracked Oil and Gas
Scope: Top 30 companies by fracked oil and gas production in 2020 plus short-term expansion and 10 key fracked oil and gas pipeline companies as reported in the Global Oil & Gas Exit List compiled by Urgewald e.V.
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Scope: Top 30 companies by attributable capacity in current and planned LNG import or export terminals worldwide as in data from Global Energy Monitor and the Global Oil & Gas Exit List compiled by Urgewald e.V.
Coal Mining
Scope: Top 30 companies by annual coal production plus coal mining capacity expansion plans as reported in the Global Coal Exit List compiled by Urgewald e.V.
Coal Power
Scope:Top 30 companies by installed plus planned coal power capacity as reported in the Global Coal Exit List compiled by Urgewald e.V.
Financing By Bank or Client
Use the drop-down menu to explore detailed data by bank or by fossil fuel company.
These figures add up financing where a given bank plays a leading role in a transaction with a given fossil fuel company, and are scaled by the fossil fuel intensity of that company. * Reported at the issuing company level. Parent companies are listed in the downloadable sheet.
Bank Policies
The Oil and Gas Policy Tracker and Coal Policy Tool excerpted below rate and compare banks’ fossil fuel financing policies. Learn more at oilgaspolicytracker.org and coalpolicytool.org.
The Decarbonization Targets Tracker excerpted below compares banks’ publicly stated commitments to achieve net zero. Learn more in this guide to the table.