Global Impact
Stories from the Frontlines
Data Overview
The Dirty Dozen
The Worst Banks Since the Paris Agreement
Data derived in part from Bloomberg LP.
Fossil Fuel Financing
From The World’s 60 Biggest Banks
Data derived in part from Bloomberg LP.
For the Top 20 Upstream Oil and Gas Expanders
The graph highlights the global top 20 upstream oil and gas companies with biggest short-term expansion plans as of September 2023 and the financing they received by their 10 top financiers in BOCC report scope. *Reported at the parent company level. Out of the top 20 expanders, only 18 received financing. Data derived in part from Bloomberg LP.
By Year & Sector
Use the drop-down menu to explore the patterns in bank financing for fossil fuels over time and by sector. Click on any colored label on the x-axis to show or hide that data. Data derived in part from Bloomberg LP.
Total Fossil Fuel Financing
Financing across all sectors, adjusted for the proportion of business each company does in fossil fuels.
Bank financing for 874 oil, gas, and coal companies expanding fossil fuels in 2023, based on research by Urgewald for the Global Oil & Gas Exit List 2023 and the Global Coal Exit List 2023. See methodology document download for full scope and source.
Tar Sands Oil
Bank financing for tar sands production companies in 2023, based on research by Urgewald for the Global Oil & Gas Exit List 2023. Bank financing is adjusted for the percentage of each company’s fossil fuel production that is in tar sands oil according to the GOGEL.
Arctic Oil and Gas
Bank financing for 44 Arctic production companies in 2023, based on research by Urgewald for the Global Oil & Gas Exit List 2023. Bank financing is adjusted for the percentage of each company’s fossil fuel production that is in Arctic oil & gas.
Amazon Oil and Gas
Bank financing for 24 companies with direct involvement in oil and gas extraction in the Amazon biome in 2023, based on research by Stand.earth Research Group.
Ultra Deepwater Oil & Gas
Bank financing for 65 companies with ultra deepwater oil & gas activity, based on research by Urgewald for the Global Oil & Gas Exit List 2023. Bank financing is adjusted for the percentage of each company’s fossil fuel production that is in ultra deepwater oil & gas.
Fracked Oil and Gas
Bank financing for 238 companies with fracking activity, based on research by Urgewald for the Global Oil & Gas Exit List 2023. Bank financing is adjusted for the percentage of each company’s fossil fuel production that is in fracking.
Liquefied Methane Gas (LNG) Expansion
Bank financing for 130 liquefied methane gas companies in 2023, based on research by Urgewald for the Global Oil & Gas Exit List 2023. This table summarizes all financing to companies with expansion plans for liquefaction and regasification terminals listed on the GOGEL. Note that additional companies with current operations but no expansion plans are also included in the all fossil fuels league table, but not included in this expansion ranking.
Thermal Coal Mining
Bank financing for 212 thermal coal mining companies in 2023, based on research by Urgewald for the Global Coal Exit List 2023. Bank financing is adjusted for each company’s proportion of business done in coal
Metallurgical Coal
Bank financing for 68 companies with metallurgical coal business in 2023. Financing is adjusted to account for companies’ percentage of business activities in the metallurgical coal sector.
Coal Power
Bank financing for 458 coal power companies in 2023, based on research by Urgewald for the Global Coal Exit List 2023 (GCEL). Bank financing is adjusted for each company’s proportion of business done in coal power.
Gas-Fired Power Expansion
Bank financing for 253 gas-fired power companies in 2023, based on research by Urgewald for the Global Oil & Gas Exit List 2023. Bank financing is adjusted for each company’s proportion of business done in gas power.
Bank & Client Profiles
Use the drop-down menu to explore detailed data by bank or by fossil fuel company.
These figures add up financing where a given bank plays a financial leading role in a transaction with a given fossil fuel company, and are scaled by the fossil fuel intensity of that company. Data derived in part from Bloomberg LP.
Amounts are in millions USD
Bank Policies
The Oil and Gas Policy Tracker and Coal Policy Tracker excerpted below rate and compare banks’ fossil fuel financing policies. Learn more at oilgaspolicytracker.org and coalpolicytool.org.
The Decarbonization Targets Tracker excerpted below compares banks’ publicly stated commitments to achieve net zero. Learn more in this guide to the table.